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Renegade Pest Management and K9 Bed Bug Detection

Renegade Pest Management, a full service pest management company in Northeastern Wisconsin, serves commercial, home and farm needs with a range of services to fit the vastly diversified needs of our customers.
Our specialized K9 division travels well outside of our main area of operations as needed to best serve our clients, such as Door County and the UP of MI  for example.
Please contact us to know more about how we can help you!

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Bed Bugs

It's the words that strike fear into any homeowner, tenant, municipal manager or business owner. As the world gets smaller and we travel more often, the presence of these ever expanding pests are finding their way into the lives of many people. They do not discriminate nor do they care who they reside with. From that cab ride, theater seat, or your million dollar home, no place is immune from infestation; it's just a roll of the dice.

To add to this nightmare, it should be noted that more and more, bed bugs are becoming resistant to the more common insecticides on the market today.

Luckily, there are ways to achieve early detection and even maintain monitoring programs for these pests. Our answer is through the use of our highly trained canine. Renegade Pest Management has invested in canine detection capabilities to pinpoint exact locations of infestation at earlier stages to save our clients valuable time, money and the extensive preparation work which can be an extremely laborious, traumatic endeavor for anybody.

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K9 Detection


Why K9 Detection?

These dogs have been specially trained to detect live bed bugs and eggs with extreme accuracy. After a strict selection process to determine the proper motivation, drive and commitment to search, only one or two dogs out of every hundred make the cut.  

To put their abilities into perspective, Dr. Michael T. Nappier of the Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine explains "A dog's sense of smell is its most powerful sense; it is so sensitive that dogs can detect the equivalent of a 1/2 teaspoon of sugar in an olympic-sized swimming pool". 

Knowing that the dog is only as good as their training and their handler, constant quality control handling techniques are used on every inspection to assure quality of our service. When we are not doing a real world inspection, we keep our skills sharp with exercises and mock training in very challenging residential and commercial locations provided by our existing clients. This requires  a lot of work by both handler and K9.

What are the Benefits?

The proactive of inspection and early detection utilizing a certified bed bug K9 are very straight forward:

  • It allows peace of mind for those unfortunate enough to have dealt with it in the past

  • Early detection among more dense living arrangements and those with common areas

  • Prevents negative publicity by catching and treating a small problem before it becomes a huge problem

  • Prevent loss of revenue from room cancelations and / or tenant vacancy

  • Protects managed properties from litigation

  • Protects against negative and harmful publicity and backlash on social media

  • Post treatment inspection determines effectiveness of chemical or heat treatment

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Bed Bug Pre-Inspection Checklist

  1. DO NOT use any pesticides for a minimum of 30 days prior to inspection. This includes over the counter and professional products. In the case of diatomaceous earth, it must be vacuumed three separate times with a HEPA filtered vacuum. Any indication of these products used will result in a decline of service.

  2. Leave linens and bedding in place, we will move items as needed during the inspection.

  3. Thoroughly vacuum the entire residence prior to inspection.

  4. Remove all pets from home. All dogs and cats must be removed from the search area prior to our arrival and must stay out of the area for the duration of the inspection.

  5. Relocate pet food, water bowls, litter boxes, and toys away from the inspection area.

  6. Secure any hazards or sharp objects that may interfere with the K9 inspection.

  7. Do not use products to conceal odor such as plug-in air fresheners, candles, incense, carpet deodorizers, household cleaners & sanitizers for 24 hours before inspection.

  8. Turn off any oscillating fans, box fans, exhaust fans, and ceiling fans before inspection. Air conditioners and furnaces may be left on.

  9. Limit any distracting noises (talking, music, television noises) so our K9 can stay focused at the task on hand. You may be asked to step out of the inspection area while the search is being conducted.

  10. Alert us to any flea issues or suspected flea issues before arrival.

  11. There will be a walkthrough of all search areas before allowing our K9 into any search area. This is for safety and to allow us to complete our quality control measures.

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